Whoever thought up the incredibly brilliant idea for the Bjorn bib has my unending gratitude. When teething, the Wee Ski can produce an incredible volume of baby drool. And the bib is perfect. Goes right on over the Bjorn and can be pulled off to wash.
The three of us + the dogs took off into the tree fields the other night.
Miss Maggie, slowly on the mend. Doesn't she look good?

Above the lower tree fields...there's a freshly tilled area for the new trees to be planted, just below the hillside.

Teaching Thomas about the trees and their budding. Well, more like letting him feel the new, baby soft needles that are sprouting up on all the trees.

Featuring a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. :)

And a perfect Wee Ski-sized baby grand fir.

So excited for him to grow up on the farm. Love it.
dang! why didn't i know about that bib?!! i have that carrier, and just have to wash it ALL the time because kealani STILL chews on it when she's in it! LOL.
It comes in a two pack -- it's so awesome! By the time he's done with it, it's soaked, but the Bjorn isn't. Just pull it off and toss it in the wash! YEA!
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