It has been over a year since Shelley and I have busted out the blog postings. I figured with her out of town it was the perfect chance to fire it up.
To start with, I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who is helping make this weekend possible. So many people have offered their help, and it is always welcomed and appreciated!!! For those that don't know, Shelley was already scheduled to fly out Friday night and return Saturday in order to help with a Relay for Life Conference in Denver, Colorado (Editor's note: I am extremely jealous that she got to see Brenda Vreeke and potentially Steve Mendoza). When Shelley's paternal grandfather passed away her trip was extended so that she can visit the bustling metropolis of Waukon, IA with many of her family members. You can read more information about
Mark Mauss here.
Today started off with the surprise of waking up to 3 children and a dog in my bed.
Somewhere I volunteered to watch my in-law's dogs while everyone is gone. This ties in perfectly with my "steal the in-law's dogs" plan, so I will not be complaining at all. Allow me to introduce our new Portuguese Water Dogs Andy and Bella. Andy is the lazy old man trapped in a dog's body who primarily just alternates between John Paul's lower bunk bed and this chair.
Bella is a puppy who has been a valuable asset already. She has started by helping me teach the boys important lessons like:
1. Pick up your toys, or Bella will chew them.
2. Eat your food, or Bella will eat it.
3. Close the toilet lids, or Bella will drink from it.
4. Get up and help, or Bella will eat you.
After breakfast we headed to Black Hills High School to watch Cousin Jared play on the TCYFL Rainier Mountaineers MJV team against Tumwater. On the way there, the boys spotted three of the calves who were deciding to go for a stroll down Finian Road. The boys insisted that I stop the car so they could try and chase the calves back to the barn. John Paul is convinced that, "this is how calves get their exercise, so we must not get mad and call them names. Getting out is good for them."

We finally made it to the game and unfortunately witnessed the Mountaineers losing for the first time this season. Afterwards the boys asked if we could go to the pet store and get Bella and Andy a new toy and more bones (apparently there is a shortage). Each of the boys were allowed to pick out one thing. John Paul picked out bones in hope that he would no longer be a chew toy. Thomas picked out a new Chuck-it so he could see if we could throw the ball further than last time. Alexander picked up an orange floating water toy for no reason other than it was big, and it was orange, and you can throw it.
Can't wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the "Bella and the Bachelors Weekend!"