Like the one below.
This is my family, every few weeks at the doctor. We're watching the Wee Ski 3.0 on ultrasound right now, and John Paul is camped out on top of my head. As long as he has his sippy cup and an endless supply of snacks, he's pretty content to hang out...for up to 45 minutes or so.
His only point of jealousy?
When he sees his big brother out in the hall, playing soccer with Dr. McMahon.
I will tell you...I am SO incredibly blessed by my doc!

It cracks me up looking at a similar image of Thomas during a non-stress test in April 2011, when I was 37 weeks along with John Paul. It apparently is the "place to be" when you're a older brother in the making.
The boys usually get rewarded with Round Table Pizza and a trip to play at Kandle Park after going to the doctor. They both love water, and I love being smart enough to usually have a backup outfit stashed in the car in case they are having so much fun that pulling them out of the water would be mean. :)

Jonathan was back in North Carolina for nearly a week -- the longest he's been away from the farm since we married. We spent lots of time at Bush Park by our house, where the boys played soccer on the grass, made new friends, and rode the slides 149,349 times. Maybe a few more or less. How can you NOT love that little chin?

With the heat, we spent a few days loving our giant porch on the farm, and getting lots of naps...and over the weekend, we headed up to Mom and Dad's for some fun on the water. The Wee Skis 1.0 and 3.0 went tubing for the first time. Mike and I were laughing about how different it was from our first adventures as kids on the water - with a chunky yellow kneeboard behind the red Bayliner.
Thomas was in heaven. John Paul was in the middle of a three hour nap in my old bedroom, in our house on the beach (on the very right). It was a perfect afternoon. Dad pulled Mike, Avila and Thomas as well in the tube at one time, and that was one time I kicked myself for not having my long lens.
Next time.

Thomas even did a few rounds of 'no hands' as well.

On Monday, the boys, Mom and I met up with Stella at the water park at Kandle Park. Crazy popular in the midwest (Mike and I have lots of memories, especially of the park in Waukon that we played at as little kids), they are just gaining steam out here in Washington. It's crazy inexpensive compared to Wild Waves, and has lots of grass, a big wave pool, and a kids pool off to the side. The boys were covered in SPF 70 and we all slept very well that night. But not before Stella and I caught the latest Batman movie -- my first viewing, her third. It was pretty crazy awesome. Excited to see it again with Jonathan.

LOVING summer's full arrival.
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