Right now, it's just Thomas. John Paul is still too tiny to fit into the FuzziBunz One Size diapers, but I anticipate that he'll be big enough in the next 2-3 months. Thomas loves them, and loves choosing which color is next while he's getting changed. I'm starting to understand the phrase "fluffy butt", as my previously-no-bottomed-child now has a fluffy butt when he's wearing pants over them.
We've got a stash of the bright-colored FuzziBunz for the Wee Ski 1.0, and a stash of neutral-colored FuzziBunz for the Wee Ski 2.0, just to make it easy for sorting from the laundry. Each has his own basket and there's a basket for the inserts and the cloth wipes.
Today, the weather is beautiful. It's my first full load of wash of cloth diapers...so I'm taking advantage of the sunshine and hung them out to dry on my McGyver'ed clothesline (read: the dog leash, still attached to the dog run, snapped onto the tank on the concrete slab near the generator).
I was going to hang them directly on the dog run, but it's a 200 lb strength uncovered steel cable, and I didn't want the wet fabric to get rusty from the steel. So I rigged up the plastic-covered steel leash and voilà -- an instant clothesline!

I learned this nifty trick from my grandma in Iowa. It's a zero-cost way to hang your clothespins. :) I cut up the gallon jug this morning after we finished the milk inside.
As we were not a clothesline fam growing up, Grandma always took advantage of my excitement to hang stuff on the clothesline when we were back visiting in the summer. Note to self: this tactic could be really helpful in the future with the Wee Skis. She was brilliant.
And for some crazy reason, this white load of inserts hanging in the sun just makes me happy. Enjoy. :)

Nope, didn't freeze over..you are just a domestic/mommy goddess who's helping the planet one less disposable diaper at a time!!!
Cool that Thomas gets to select his colors now! :) I think if we'd have had a 2nd child, we would have gone cloth too...yeah for going GREEN!!! :)
Welcome to the cloth "club" - you will love them!
we hung ours out yesterday, too!
You beat me to my post! Watch for one on this on my site too. It really is fun isn't it?! Love my 'baby bunz' :).
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