"Lent is a journey of evolving, creative reflection which inspires penance
and gives new impetus to every aspect of our commitment to follow the Gospel.
It is a journey of love which opens the hearts of believers
to our brothers and sisters and draws them to God.
Jesus asks his disciples to live and radiate charity."
and gives new impetus to every aspect of our commitment to follow the Gospel.
It is a journey of love which opens the hearts of believers
to our brothers and sisters and draws them to God.
Jesus asks his disciples to live and radiate charity."
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season.
It's the start of a 40 day journey to Easter. Time has flown by since Thomas's first Ash Wednesday two years ago. As a family, we talked about the things that are keeping us from joy, that are weighing us down (usually completely relating to sin), and how we can use this time to renew our focus on our Lord.
One of the things that has struck my heart is the repeating of the word charity in what I'm reading...the Kindle devotion I have speaks of St. Thérèse's conversion and how her heart was simply filled with charity...a leniency in judging others and being full of agape love. For me, personally, that is a call I need to answer this Lent, as there have been several issues weighing on my heart. My hope is that a true metanoia can come from this season.
With the Wee Ski 2.0's arrival just a little over 7 weeks away (a week after Easter), it was important to me that our decisions for Lent were practical and simple: going back to my 'one word' for the year: simplify.
For each of us, we made a few simple decisions.
- TO READ | On our Kindles, we each downloaded a 40 day journey. I love that we were able to download samples directly to the Kindles to read through before ordering. Jonathan downloaded The Power of the Cross and I downloaded A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Thomas has a new coloring book on the Sacraments.
- TO DO | On Tuesdays during Lent, there is daily Mass in the evenings at St. Peter's in Tenino, so Jonathan can attend with us too. Fridays are soup dinners at St. Columban + Stations of the Cross...with a bonus this Friday of Tom Curran coming to St. Columban for a special Lenten presentation.
- TO GIVE UP | I am giving up television and gossip. I suppose, on some level, those go hand in hand. But seriously, as much as I'd love to think that I don't use the television as a crutch when I'm tired or gossip when the chance arises...it happens. And this is a great chance to offer that up. Thomas is giving up television (except for one hour of Sesame Street in the morning with breakfast). He doesn't fully appreciate the phrase "offer it up" quite yet, but I guarantee you, by the end of Lent he will. Or maybe I will after being asked for Elmo for the 259,305th time. Jonathan is giving up convenience food and being grouchy with me in the morning. :) So for all or any of these, if you are around us, please help keep us accountable in our journey.
Thomas and I made minestrone in the crockpot. All I did was cut vegetables, open cans, rinse beans and pass everything to the Wee Ski. He added everything into the crockpot (especially loved sprinkling the herbs), and stirred it up like a good little chef. We'll add the pasta tonight just before Jonathan gets home, and it will be good to go.

I'm really looking forward to this season.
My heart is too.
not at all Lent related, but Gus had that outfit in newborn size. I LOVED IT. but it only fit for about a day ...
Happy Lenten journey
I was going to also comment that my Thomas had that outfit in 6 month size (a hand-me-down from BFF Daniel). So cute! And that soup looks great!
But back to Lent, I'll be anxious to hear how your TV free journey goes. I have resigned myself to a love of TV, but really need to let it go at least a little bit. And, I think I will try to remember to give up being grumpy in the a.m., too!
Hope you are feeling well, lovely lady!
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