Today begins the forty day season of Lent. In past years, we've had rain, flooding, and earthquakes. Tonight was no exception: we drove through the snow to get to Mass at St. Columban. A beautiful homily tonight by Father Paul.
There are three aspects of the season: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In years past, my fasting involved some sort of habit that I do every day but that needs changing - it's the way I kicked my original sugar addiction to fountain coke - but my habits have changed pretty significantly since Thomas was born.
That said - this fasting will involve an emotional change. A personal metanoia that keeps me from fuller joy...
I'm giving up complaining.
I've realized how easy it's been to complain about the little things -- diaper changing all day long, the revolving door the dogs seems to think I provide to the outside, the perpetual unfinished wash -- and it keeps me from truly soaking in the joy that is there.
There may be diapers, but there is a tiny little baby boy who I adore. There may be 40 times I open the sliding door each day, but the pups are there to lick Thomas's face when he's screaming, and to curl up next to me when I'm needing a little love. There may be dozens of little onesies to wash, but it means Thomas is healthy and happy and eating well.
Honestly, there's been a fair amount to complain about lately in the big picture -- and it seems that the whole world is doing so -- from everything such as the economy to the octuplets (which has resulted in some interesting conversations with random people at Costco).
I'm praying that this Lent will be one that I treasure each moment. Especially since the day that Lent ends -- Holy Thursday -- is the day my maternity leave officially ends.
This Lent, for the first time since college, I am able to go to daily Mass since I'm not at the office at o'dark hundred. I'm able to spend Friday nights with Jonathan and Thomas and take in the stations of the cross (though it will be an extra workout for whoever is holding the Wee Ski!).
And I want to do just that.
I've made some extra time for prayer each day...so if there's something specific you'd like me to pray for...just let me know. :) Thomas and I will be all over it like ash on foreheads.
And here's to the change from complaining becoming a true metanoia.
Oh Shelley--Another PRICELESS photo..those EYES!!! ;-)
Love your emotional change idea! It think we can all take a clue here and do the same (even though I'm not Catholic)! ;-)
TGITh (Thank goodness it's Thursday)!
~ Kathy
That is just the best picture ever. What a wonderful memory of his first Ash Wednesday!!
This is the funniest picture I have ever seen- i LOVE it!!! Happy Lenting... Lindsay
Hey Shelley,
He is sooo adorable...you should send his pic to "show us your ashes" http://www.bustedhalo.com/features/show-us-your-ash/
Love your blog, thanks or taking the time to share.
Kim Schmaltz
Great photo of one cute boy!
I am trying a similar Lenten occupation this year. Great minds think alike. I am trying to not complain, especially not about people, and to tranform my attitude into a more positive one. I'll pray for us both to stay on track!
Kim...thanks for the idea!
Check out who is now featured on Show Us Your Ash!! :)
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