Thirty weeks.
- How Far Along: 30 weeks
- Size of baby: 16 inches long. Almost three pounds.
- What the Wee Ski 2.0 has right now: A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in the belly. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. (thanks, Babycenter, for the deets!)
- Total Weight Gain/Loss: lost 2 pounds.
- Maternity Clothes: Some awesome comfy maternity t-shirts from Old Navy. Lots of vests, and most of my Lucy pants fit well since they are stretchy.
- Gender: He's a boy!
- Movement: All the time. Especially at night.
- Sleep: Still lots of exhaustion. I have started taking naps in the afternoon when Thomas goes down, which is mentally tough for me because that's when I usually get a great deal of stuff done. Weird sleeping patterns right now. A few nights in a row: in bed by 7, up at 11 or so until 1 am. Then back to sleep until 6ish. Wide awake in the middle of the night.
- What I miss: Nothing. I still can't believe that we are actually pregnant after a year. I am grateful every. single. day. On the other hand, I do miss having room for Thomas to snuggle up to me after his naps, it sometimes hurts my belly when he crawls up wanting snuggles. He doesn't understand why he can't curl up there.
- Cravings: No fast food cravings at all. Opposite of when Thomas was in the womb. My biggest consumption right now? Milk. Followed immediately by banana-peanut butter smoothies with protein and Superfood.
- Symptoms: The tiredness. The belly button has almost popped. I find myself now resting Thomas on my belly when I carry him. And yes, that does look a little odd. My nesting has gone a bit to extremes, but Jonathan's been exceptionally patient. :)
- Best moment this week: A full day of snow today with the Wee Ski. Playing outside, running back and forth, and just being with him. Being very grateful that I am able to be home with him. Incredibly grateful.
- About the photo above: taken as the sun was going down yesterday afternoon. Dark and snowy. Totally in contrast with the images from 32 weeks in Hawaii with Thomas!
You look GREAT...Keep it up!
Glad to see all is well, we will have to have tea soon.
You are so cute! Love the pigtails, love the picture!
Lindsay it... :)
So happy for you -- I feel like we haven't connected in a long time, I have been distracted with this big C thing in my life and can't wait to feel normal. You are such a happy spirit and soul! Miss you!
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