Clearly, there's EVIL in them enchanted trees! Good thing we have the WeeSpiderSnowyMan to save the day! The snow has continued to fall ALL DAY LONG, which has been awesome. I would gladly take all the rest of the nation's snow since we haven't had any accumulations since Thanksgiving!
We headed out this morning to Mass...roads were bad through Rainier, but then we followed the DOT truck on 507, and it was smooth sailing into Yelm. I remember being a pretty good snow driver after years of having to "park at the top of the hill" at Mom and Dad's house growing up...and I love having a front-wheel-drive sleigh again after the beast of a BMW and it's lame rear-wheel-drive. The Camry rocked the snow, and the 'engine braking' drive option is fantastic for hills without using the brakes. Thomas learned how to say "whooooo!" whenever we were finding traction on the snowy Rainier roads. :)
Anyway, back to the photos. Here's one just for Thomas's Auntie Morgan, who thinks I don't put up enough photos of me. :) If this snow doesn't melt, I'm hoping to get a few maternity shots outside as well. :)

We headed out into the fields to burn off some pent-up energy (which Thomas proved he needed after 3 laps around the church, through the holy water font, and back to the front doors). Powered by a nap, and bundled like the little kid in the Christmas Story, we grabbed the dog and took her with us.
The snowy scenes were beautiful:

These are the lower douglas fir fields. The snow looks like powdered sugar, and I always want to freeze this memory in my head for the summer time when it's hot and dry on the farm.
Thomas thought he was pretty hot stuff in his Spiderman mask.

I loved seeing our tracks in the snow. Thomas's reminded me of the tracks from the Family Circle cartoons, where they go every which way but straight. You can tell he's a fan of dragging his feet in the snow.

Snowy tantrum commencing in 5...4...3...2...

...so I turned around and ignored it. Apparently, he thinks that his 8-month pregnant mommy should be carrying him throughout the snowy fields. Not happening, child. Life's not fair. But it does go on.

...and go on he did!
Check out my sweet little baby, smiles and his tantrum completely forgotten.

SERIOUSLY loving the deal that I got on this Land's End snowsuit and snow jacket last year at the Creme Brulee consignment sale...$30 for brand new goodies that would normally run $110+...and he may even get 2 seasons of wearing out of them! (Thanks, Theresa, for the invite!!)
And he's back asleep, with his second nap of the day. A little piece of heaven for this tired mommy, who is powering through work and housework while he rests. Praying for a long night of sleep for all of us tonight!
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