Scenes from the Portland Relay Summit's Relay Runway on Friday night...it was the first time that Charlotte and Thomas got to 'walk the runway' together in the fashion show. So much fun to see them together, especially since I really got to enjoy it as Jeff and JD emcee'd the show!
They were featured during the debut of the 2011 Grand Club tee shirt (which Charlotte is wearing since she's already earned hers!). The Grand Club is for any Relayer who has raised more than $1000 for the American Cancer Society in a given year for their event.

Charlotte was so good with Thomas, and they loved their moments in the purple spotlight. Especially with Miss Angela, who is on the training team with me, and is also a former Miss America contender as Miss Pennsylvania. Don't they look cute together?

Why not take a look at their debut on the Runway? Enjoy.
I LOVE Thomas, he is the cutest ham on earth. Love, Great Aunt Sue
Shelley- Thank you soooo very much for an AWESOME Relay summit! I was great to see you (for only the 2nd time), and hear your story, in person.
Thomas and Charlie were such HAMS on that runway, and watching him bat all the star balloons afterwords was quite funny!
Thanks for all you do!
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