We're getting ready for the Blarney Blast tomorrow, benefiting the Relay For Life through our team. What you don't see on here is the design pieces from Finian Road for the tables and walls for tomorrow that I finished up today and sent to print. They're awesome. You'll see more after the event.
From today...

8:15 am • Starting "St. Patrick's Day Truffles" for tomorrow's silent auction (a la cake balls)

10:09 am • Someone evidently needs a nap.
Oh, to be so bendy. And he liked the mittens. So he wore them. Inside.

1:49 pm • Updated Thomas's pics for our Relay For Life fundraising page
I do love that one year ago today was Thomas's first team captain meeting. :)

3:04 pm • Maggie chilling in the fields

3:05 pm • The rain coming down

3:19 pm • The St. Patrick's Day wreath

3:49 pm • Mixing the cake + frosting into cake ballsSeriously, it is the most difficult thing in the world to avoid sampling the cake balls while making them. So glad that Catholics don't give up cake balls on Fridays in Lent.

4:24 pm • A glimpse at the Easter egg wreath

6:45 pm • Roasted sweet potatoes with rosemary and garlic. Yum.

6:48 pm • My little helper.
Emptying out the one set of cabinets he's allowed into.

6:55 pm • My new kicks.
Patent orange. Perfect for tomorrow night. And ridiculously cheap to boot.

7:30 pm • My boys
Jonathan got home from the Blarney Blast happy hour final planning, and the boys started doing their whiny voices together. Then Papa and Thomas headed back to tuck Thomas in. And as I'm typing, I can hear Jonathan singing to him. So. makes. my. heart. happy.
1 comment:
Love this post, and the new header!!! LOVE it!!!
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