
Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Fight Club

In the midst of an awesome Ski Soup Swap, the living room was turned into a wee ring for fighting. Seems my 10th percentile Wee Ski can take on a 90th+ percentile Wee DeWeese! Good thing they are BFFs!

And yes, Thomas is a bruiser even with a Puff stuck on his back!


Fighter #2's very proud Father said...

So which is worse? The mom who is laughing at her son getting beat up, or the mom who is filming her son beating another child up?

KCina said...

Okay--I don't know what's FUNNIER....the video OR father #2's commentary on your blog? ;-)

GREAT video, but now I've got that silly Thumb Thumping song (which I had to google for the spelling by the way) stuck in my brain...blagh!

Happy Tuesday, great way to start my work day (oh, guess I should be working right now).....

~ Kathy

Anonymous said...

Daniel's a lover, not a fighter.

Anonymous said...

So far he doesn't have the red-headed temper...but with enough Baby Fight Club Daniel shall prevail. (like the choice of music, by the way.) Signed... Fighter #1's red-headed Auntie.

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