Just in time for Thanksgiving!
I've got a sweet little taste of the islands to giveaway:
- A box of Maui Caramacs
- Chef Sam Choy's Volcano Roast coffee - 7 oz. bag
- A dozen Aloha Hershey's kisses: kisses with macadamia nuts, only sold in Hawaii or online
Coffee, chocolate, caramel and macadamia nuts...what else do you need? :) How to win? Just leave a comment below answering this question...
What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving?
Giveaway ends 11:59 pm on Tuesday, November 24th - winner chosen by random.org and announced on Wednesday morning!
Don't include me in the drawing....just wanted to say "THANKS" for all your inspiration (blog and photo goodness) and that I'm most thankful for my healthy/happy family! Life is good!
~ Kathy
hmmm, I am most thankful for all the friends I have met, through Relay, that have become my family! I am so thankful that this wonderful cause allows me to meet such an eclectic array of women (and men!)who really go out of their way for one another. I've never known another group of people who will place the priorities of others above their own, not matter what the cause.
I am most thankful for the wonderful family and friends that we have. They always come through for us and are always so supportive.
I'm most thankful that I will be spending a few wonderful days with my family - eating, drinking, laughing and living!
I am most thankful for my crazy family- no matter what the issues or drama- they are always there for me and I for them... I couldn't ask for anything more!
The opportunity to study abroad this semester in Barcelona and in doing so, coming to realize how fortunate I am for having two parents that are totally and wholly committed to their children. I am thankful for my family that has supported me in this endeavor and will continue to support me while home.
Giveaways always bring out the lurkers- like me! :-) I am most thankful for my family this Thanksgiving. Especially for my favorite Marine, my baby brother Connor-- who is currently on his first deployment.
I am thankful for my faith. God has walked with me and, at times, carried me through a lot this past year and I am eternally thankful for His love and guidance and strength. Thank you God for Always being there for me!
thanksgiving's have been hard for the last 3 years because i am away from my family. i cherish the time i have with them when i am home, and want to hug them for ten minutes each (and sometimes i do) to last me till the next one! this is the first year without my grandpa...i am so thankful that he was a part of my life for 30 years. God is so good!
It's not Thanksgiving here (ours was last month), but I'm most thankful for my family.
My Wife and Son!!!
I love your blog!! And I am most thankful for our newest addition to the family, my third baby and third little girl...Michaela Marie, who will be two weeks old tomorrow!! It will be a quiet Thanksgiving at home all enjoying this special baby time together...
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my Grandparents who are traveling to us from out of state. After my mom died in 2004 holidays became much harder. There is something about celebrating the holidays when the woman who made them so special, so magical, and delicious is no longer there to celebrate with. Having my Grandmother there to step into my mom's role, gently and lovingly is like a soothing balm to my soul.
I always light a candle in my mom's memory that burns throughout the day, and send up a prayer to God thanking him for His son that gives me hope and peace, and then my Grandma and I bake and cook all day side by side and talk and laugh and remember...together.
I am thankful for FINALLY accomplishing my goal of becoming a lisenced physical therapist (despite many, many obstacles).... a goal of 15 years in the making.... and for my family and friends who have put up with me during that time! I am truly blessed!!
I am incredibly thankful first for my Lord. His saving grace. His amazing love. Then for my husband. He is the most generous and patient man I know. He loves me, spoils me, and keeps me accountable in so many ways.
I am thankful for my family and my friends. They celebrate the good times, and they pull me through the tough times. They fill my life with laughter, prayer, fun, compassion, support.
I got a new house that I waited to buy for many years. I'm thankful to be there with my family this year.
I am thankful for my long awaited, sweetheart of a husband (I know, newlyweds- yuck, right!lol) and my family because even though they may give me grief, I know that they are there and love me...just in a weird way.
I am most thankful for my newly found love of reading Scripture...and a great Bible Study too!
i'm thankful for life and the air we breathe
DARN! ;) I always read your blog later than midnight, LOL! And of course I didn't last night cuz I stayed up LAAATE working on a photo project for Xmas presents. (and I must say a lot of the photos included were from you of course!)
But, one thing I am most thankful for is an AMAZING hubby!! I am truly blessed. He loves me for me, is an amazing daddy, cooks & cleans, and is skilled with whatever he tries! A big shout out to my incredible man!!!
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