Twenty things

- Had a great time at the Rainiers game on Monday...saw one of my favorite gals who I used to coach when she was in junior high...with her new engagement ring! So excited for her...but I felt old.
- Loved spending time with Chris and Chuck at the game - Thomas had a great time pal-ing around with Uncle Chuck.
- Good game plan for the Wee Ski - we let him sleep until just before we left for the game. Fed him right when we got there. Rocked him to sleep about halfway through. Changed him into his footed sleeper at the car before we headed out...and just transferred him to his crib when he got home. He slept so well that night.
- Planning for a garden space next year, and a permanent chicken run along the side of the house.
- Loving the new Crystal Light flavors: cranberry apple and strawberry tangerine.
- The Wee Ski fell asleep last night at 7 pm. I crashed around 7:30 pm. Slept until 6 am. Only got up once with Thomas at 2 am. A long overdue full night of sleep for both of us.
- Cleaning out today for donations to be picked up tomorrow. I love the sight of less clutter.
- Getting out of a creative rut with that we don't get bored on WW. Sweet potato fries and chicken sandwiches last night. The sandwiches were made with the new sandwich thin bread - so yummy! Filled with baked chicken, fresh basil, swiss cheese, and mayo w/olive oil. 10 points total.
- Tonight's meal? Salmon and baked garlic potato wedges. For dessert, I took the frozen bananas that I had in the freezer and whirled them up into a pseudo ice cream in the food processor. Added a bit of milk. So. very. good. Less than 2 points for the bananas. 9 points for the whole dinner. Here's where I found the better than banana ice cream recipe.
- We reaffirmed while making said banana ice cream above, that Thomas does not like food processors. We'll add that to the list of machines he does not like: blenders and ice machines.
- Thomas has a random song that is his instant mood fixer. We're talking instant. It works only in the car. When needed, we can listen to it for a half hour or more and he just kicks his feet and bobs his head. Mom witnessed the transformation one night in Chelan, when he was crying like mad on the drive home. We popped in "One in Every Crowd" by Montgomery Gentry. By the first line, he was grinning. Go figure that it's a song about a guy that everyone loves in a bar. I'm just glad he already has an affinity for country music.
- My tomatoes are beginning to turn red!
- Lindsay came down the other day - we hit daily Mass and had lunch on the farm. So good to see her. Hard to believe that she's now Mrs. Brown! We've called each other by our full names for it could take years before we're both saying the right names.
- Loving the cooler weather this week. Woke up to 57° the other morning.
- Jonathan's Seahawks season tickets arrived the other day - it was a little like Christmas in August.
- The Relay For Life of Beaverton was this past weekend, and Kathy Cina put together a 25 photos of Relay post, to celebrate Relay's 25 years. It's such an awesome pictorial. I absolutely love the shot of her daughter, Charlie, hosing down the track in the hot weather. Check it out!
- The Wee Ski giggles like mad when you tickle his sides.
- I began reading "Before I Go" by Peter Kreeft. Don't be surprised to see some of it pop up on the blog.
- Thomas and I will be on the road a bit this fall -- planning ahead for Relay Regional Summits. Excited for a change in training -- from the full scale Divisional Summit to smaller, more grassroots trainings. Love that the American Cancer Society has responded well to the economic slowdown by making proactive adjustments. Fantastic use of donor dollars.
- I love the latest People magazine -- a Saved by the Bell reunion! How does it get any better than that? And how can it have been 20 years since the Zack Attack?
twenty years??!!!!!! And I love how that fact was on #20 :)
I love your list! So many exciting things! Life seems so good for you! I'm going to have to check into your recipes up there!!! Thank you!
You are so rich, you know that? Your life is so rich and blessed. Thanks for blessing us by sharing it!!!
Have a great evening!
Holy cow...we made the Twenty Things list? COOL!
Despite the 97 degrees on Saturday, it was THE BEST Relay experience EVER for me. So glad myself and my comrades took the challenge...we had so much fun and look what "the little Relay that could" DID this year!
LOL, I couldn't stop laughing and thinking of YOU when I saw the SBYB issue!
Happy Thursday!
~ Kathy
Avila giggles like crazy, too, when I tickle her sides. We should get them together and tickle them both at the same time...that would be funnny.
Thanks for your note the other day! I'm glad to know I'm not alone out there for some of this stuff. Overwhelming doesn't even begin to describe what these next few months will hold for us. But I feel your prayers and love all the way over here!
Two things for you - my cousin's husband is now a coach for the Seahawks - his name is Gus Bradley and also super small world, my cousin is friends with Carrie need to meet my cousin who is new in the area. I'll work on that with maybe a trip after baby Roach is born?
Also, I had no idea you were a SBTB fan...I knew we were kindred spirits! Zack Attack 4-Eva!
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