Imagine me last night, finding the sweetest parking spot on the waterfront after I'd sat in traffic for 45 minutes...only to find an SUV on my tail. I'm positive they're going to try to snag my spot, so I block them out while I'm backing into the spot.
Think Austin Powers when he's riding that little golf cart deal going back & forth, back & forth between the two narrow walls.
There was no way I was letting them have that spot.
In the SUV?
Kristine, with her two sisters, Ashley and Kelsey.
One slice of humble pie, please.

And today is her birthday. My brother's wife. Also known now as my sister.

She has put up with a lot from me over time. There have been times when I haven't been the kindest person in the world, some might say even witchy (and Jonathan would clarify that the exact word rhymes with that) on occasion...
And yet she puts up with me. And shows me grace and forgiveness and love.
I definitely don't deserve it.
But I genuinely appreciate it.
Lake Chelan was a very special trip for our family: it was the first with all the new additions added to our original fam. Spouses + kids + our nutty family = our new nutty family.
It gave me a chance to get to know her on a deeper level...and I am so grateful for that opportunity.
Kristine, you are a gift to me and my family. As our families continue to grow, I am grateful that you are my son's aunt and my sister.
I wish you joy today on your birthday, and look forward to the years ahead.
You are loved!
That is TOOO funny. Your blog makes me smile.
thanks for the bday wishes! i wanted to have ashley honk her horn, pretending like we were mad but i'm glad we didn't! love you, too, sister =)
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