This morning's randoms, in no particular order...
- Grateful for Cherry Coke Zero, which is powering my productivity this morning. Taking a break as images batch.
- Good books that I read on vacation: Top Producer: A Novel of Dark Money, Greed and Friendship (a investment murder mystery - coming out in September) and Miracle Ball (about the shot heard 'round the world - just released). I love that Jonathan is a top reviewer for Amazon.com. Publishers send him all kinds of cool books before they are published for him to review.
- I also read The Death of a Pope by Piers Paul Read. Evidently, I'm into thrillers right now. A good read.
- The freezer is stocked full of fresh baby food: sweet potatoes, baby peas, applesauce, black plums, peaches, and carrots. All organic. Even a frozen fresh food feeder filled with banana, for when Thomas's gums are sore.
- Loving that tomatoes are growing like mad in my backyard. Can't wait for the red pears to be ready.
- Made an awesome hawaiian pizza style salad last night - less than 5 points! Mixed greens, canadian bacon, pineapple, dressing (from apple cider vinegar, splenda and mayo w/olive oil), tomatoes, cucumbers and feta.
- Finally throwing Thomas's sleeper from the other night in the wash, after soaking for hours and being hosed out in the backyard. Evidently, my husband thought it was better to leave the haz-mat worthy outfit in the sink for me to find when I got home yesterday. Welcome home, Shelley. I was yelling a lot - part in irritation, part in admiration of my son. Even at six months, he accomplishes big things.
- Batching done...back to editing! :)
Yes they do! ;-)
Thank is such a great picture. You are lucky to wake up to that each morning.
That is a face made for waking up to! So cute. Also, I need some reading advice. I haven't selected a book in ages. I don't know if I am in the mood for a thriller, but I could be. Any other suggestions? So glad things sound like they are going great!
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