We kicked off the season with Friday night's home opener at Cheney Stadium...the wee ones, fireworks and all. It was good stuff. And a much nicer drive home than from Safeco!
Max and Michael with their papa...

Kate, John and Daniel...

Dave and Kristi...

I think Michael must be part of the "I Love You" chain gang. How tough does he look?

Doc, Thomas (cozy in the sling) and me...

Baby Daniel checking out his mama...

Kristi and me, taken by Michael.
Liz, do you recognize the gal in the purple jacket? From swimming at the Y? I got to use the phrase, "Wow, you look different with clothes on!" :)

And I haven't shot fireworks in a while. Here's some interpretive shots, all handheld.

With some abstract fireworks to top it off. :)

I, too, love using the line about looking different with clothes on. It's so crazy how different people look dry and with clothes on compared to wet with a swimsuit on.
Thomas is getting so big!!!
Nope. Don't recognize her. What color was her swim suit that she would wear?
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