A big day for the Ski family...
It started out with several fabulous rounds of morning sickness (at the office, no less!) and a long, giant nap for Mama Ski before the big 20 week ultrasound. To help with the viewing of the cervix, I had to drink a quart and a half of water in the hour and a half before the ultrasound. Imagine the joy at not being able to keep anything down...but needing to drink up!
Auntie Liz picked me up at the house. I am so grateful, because I wasn't up to driving back in on my own with a bowl in hand. We headed over to the Vitals Cafe, which is connected to Dr. Gage's office. There we met up with Jonathan and Mom for a quick bite before the appointment.
This was my first (and hopefully only - meaning things are going well) ultrasound. For all of us, it was overwhelming to see Baby Angus on the big screen...at 13 ounces, 15.1 centimeters - just under six inches long! Angus has a big head (all the better for a big brain), a strong heartbeat (130 beats per minute), a solid spine and two arms, legs, little fists and feeties, and yes, stubborn at a young age. Imagine that, being a child of ours.
Baby Ski kept moving face down, which made profile images difficult. I bet Baby Ski will be photographed enough outside the womb to make up for it. :)
We were waiting on the announcement for whether Baby Ski was an Angus or an Agnes: with the blog poll showing that 53% of people thought we were having a girl, 47% thought a boy. The odds in the Sprouffske line were favoring a boy. Jonathan had already shared his love of the name Angus, and Ewald as a backup with the ultrasound tech.
At the end of the ultrasound, Baby Ski rolled back and "sat down"...it was as if the wee one was sitting on a pane of glass and we could see exactly what we were dealing with.
The ultrasound technician turned to Jonathan and told him "Well, your swimmers should be in the Olympics!"
And we learned that Baby Ski is - in fact with 90% guarantee (10% off for technicalities) - a baby boy.

Now, no trip to the doctor's office would be complete without one of my mom's famous quotes.
She was so much fun to have there -- soaking in all the baby goodness. Though she's seen ultrasounds for years as a counselor at Crisis Pregnancy Center, the appointment held a much deeper meaning as she looked at her grandson up on the screen.
At the end of the appointment, when they were burning our images to CD, Mom held up the photos proudly and said (loudly enough for everyone in the waiting room to hear), "Heaven knows where that penis is going to go!"
Oh, Grandma Mauss. We cannot wait for all the outside-the-womb experiences you will get to share with Angus!
Big K took the words right out of my mouth!
Congratulations!!!!!! Boy or girl you are going to be great parents but we are so excited to hear the news of Angus. We definitely love the 2nd picture where we know that it is an Angus! Take care and let's get together soon.
God Bless and Love Always,
The Q's
Congrats! :)
I'm soo happy for you and I am so happy your mom was able to go with you. she was so excited about it when she was telling me about it.
Oh my gosh. I am soooo happy for you all. I told Jonathan by e-mail today that I was sure it was a boy. Baby Ski looks great, and he's so lucky to have you both as parents.
Your mom is awesome. What a comment to make. John and I burst out laughing reading it. God bless Karol.
Oh this is super exciting!!! I'm looking forward to meeting this little one. Your mom cracks me up!
I'm SO late here but oh my goodness CONGRATULATIONS! And a widdle boy! Boys are SO the best, but then again I'm biased.
I'm SO happy for you! Can't wait to meet him and hear more about your pregnancy!!!
congrats on a baby boy!! :) :) how exciting!!
yay! and he will be the only "angus" i have ever met! boys are great to have first ;-) and, yes, i am biased, too. congrats-here's to a speedy and healthy remainder of your pregnancy. loves! the browns
Way cool. Boys rule. : )
ok I peeked...
Hi Sue.
Love you Jonathan and little Angus...Love Aunt Sue
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