
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joys of a Rainy Sunday

Soaking in a bit of downtime today.

Had lots of plans for today...but the rain and cold weather slowed them all down. The rain is pouring outside, Maggie's sleeping on the deck, and Jonathan's on the couch with his laptop, the Olympics on, and Viper managed to snuggle under his hand to be petted. She's sneaky. Feels a bit more like October than August.

So grateful that all the photo shoots yesterday were in the warm sunshine without rain.

How much do I love my job? Yesterday, I got to go downtown, to the waterfront, AND the zoo! I hadn't realized just how much more pregnant I look until I was downloading photos today, until I saw my 5d off my hip and my maternity tank top fitting...but the wrap shirt (not maternity!) getting a wee bit shorter! It's a rare photo from a shoot that I am in front of the camera instead of behind it. How much do I love that Melissa wanted a photo with Malachi and me he would know who photographed him over his first year and a half! And how cute are those shades?

After the shoots, I met up with Jonathan and the Brownrices at my house in the north end, where we began "prep the house to sell" mode. That experience ended up being a bit more dramatic than expected. Jonathan and I are so blessed that Rich and Liz came over...we cleaned most of the closets (a huge chore unto itself), organized the garage a bit, and donated a ton of stuff. Without them, we would probably still be up there going through closets. Hoping to meet with the real estate agent this week to go over the game plan.

Had dinner with Mom and Dad last night, and went to the musical, Urinetown. A whole musical about pee. The best quote from yesterday from one of the photo shoots? "Did your mom pick that show out?" The play itself was really funny...funnier than I expected.

Lots of creative goodness going on. Finding my photo mojo again, editing shoots and getting caught up. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. :)

Started Angus's baby book a few weeks ago. Decided to make life a bit easier and use Designer Digitals' templates from Ali Edwards to help me keep my sanity instead of building each page from scratch.

Chose one digital kit to use for the entire thing. I loved the colors, and when I saw the title of it, I realized it was the perfect one: The Photo Shoot from Sweet Shoppe Designs. Lots of khaki, black and cream. No booties or bunnies or pink or baby blue. There's time for that later. :)

It's going to focus on our journey from conception to the birth...helping to give a background into us, our family and extended family, and the experience as we prepare for life with a wee one.

The first page is below...titled "Finding Out". Clicking on it will take you to a larger version, so you can read the journaling.

I love that photo. That's the same face that Jonathan makes when I fly off the handle about something (usually something pretty irrelevant or insignificant) and he points to his wedding ring, and sings a little song, "Got married! Can't get mad!"

I signed up for Cathy Zielske's 12-week Design Your Life e-workshop over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. It begins in October and finishes in December...just in time for Baby Ski's arrival. I haven't decided if I will incorporate the class into the baby book, or have it be the last book that's baby-free. Maybe a hybrid.

Speaking of Cathy Z -- I loved her post titled "No, I'm Not on the Pro Bowler's Tour". My carpal tunnel syndrome (a gift from Angus) has been a bit unbearable at times...and it's reading experiences like hers that make me laugh until I cry. And no, there will never be a photo of my gray hairs online...unless you count my Cruella de Vil streaks in the photo above. :)

All for now. Jonathan's getting his only wish for the day...breakfast for dinner. Scrambled eggs and pancakes.

All gourmet tonight on the farm.


Anonymous said...

I love this post for so many reasons. It's rare we get a picture of photographer Shelley in action ...

I cried at your first scrapbooking page. (GREAT pic of Jonathan, btw.)

So happy for you ...

Anonymous said...

I love the pic, and the baby bump! I saw Urinetown at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse this year and laughed so hard I almost wet my pants!

Amelia said...

Hi Shelley- I love reading your blog - it is always very inspirational in lots of ways! So I was looking at that Cathy Z workshop. GREAT site and I am excited to dive into digital scrapbooking. That class, however, isn't digital, is that right? Do you know any other good resources for digital scrapbooking? Exciting! Hope you all are doing well. So exciting about the baby!!

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