
Monday, April 7, 2008

The Estrogen Militia

So named, nearly five years ago, when Michael G was annoyed that we kept getting together as a group of girls and not inviting the guys.

Hard to believe how much time has passed since then, when Lindsay and I were laying out in my backyard, and Kili came over for the afternoon...and we were lamenting about the lame offerings of the Archdiocese for a good young adults group, let alone one devoted just to women. We ended up creating our own. The faces have changed a bit over time, but the core has been the same. And now, there is a EM part deux in the mix, led by Brita and Maureen and Claire with the next generation of ladies that are finishing college and heading into the next phase of life.

As the great poet Jimmy Buffet once said, "I have always looked at life as a voyage, mostly wonderful, sometimes frightening. In my family and friends I have discovered treasure more valuable than gold."

Over the past five years, the gals in the Estrogen Militia have weathered storms of new jobs, lost loves, treasures lost in a house fire, moves, life changes, marriages, and deaths.

A number of them came down on Saturday night for dinner and a sleepover on the farm - Vickie, Lindsay, Liz, Rachael, Kili, Marie, and Maureen. So good to see everyone, to catch up, to laugh, to stay up late (which rarely happens in my world anymore!) and to realize just why I love these gals so much.

Jonathan was so good to me and to us - he grilled dinner on the BBQ, hung out, played games with us, and kept the fire going. I loved how he just fit in. It was definitely good stuff.

The summer ahead is filled with fun for us - including the annual float the river in eastern Washington at Vickie's, and weddings ahead! You gals are a blessing to me - I love you! ♥


Anonymous said...

Thanks for having us over! You were both such gracious hosts. I didn't realize how long it had been until we were all together. I really learned that I need to make the effort to have more time for myself and make it to more events. I missed you girls! Thanks for the laughs, drinks, and games. BTW - When is the last time you saw Maggie? Don't let her get lost!!

Maureen said...

I'm sure Maggie is fine! Thanks again for having us. :) I love the google reader! I was able to read your post at work, and it's normally blocked! :) YAY! More distractions while on the job!

Anonymous said...

man... I am so bummed that I missed it... :( I am glad you all had a great time bonding and away from all life's activities!!!

Vickie said...

Love you, love you, love you! EM at the Farm was excellent - Thanks again for hosting. Thanks for your insightful blogging. And thanks for being #1!

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