My first 12 of 12 shot entirely on the farm...from Rainier, Washington. Chad Darnell, the mastermind behind the project, has the full list of links here.
Onto the images...

6:23 a.m. - Airborne shots to start the day
Just in case it isn't allergies for Jonathan, I'm keeping my immune system up-to-date!

6:45 a.m. - Sunrise on the farm
The line is the trail from a plane flying overhead. I have no idea what the technical word is for it. Corrected - Jonathan just googled it for me. They are contrails.

6:52 a.m. - The weathervane on top of the wellhouse

7:15 a.m. - Dew drops in the field

8:25 a.m. - Bull Chips
To help kick off the Merrill Lynch team this year, Lacey and I designed these sweet bull chips for all the employees. She is doing an awesome job taking over as captain for Debbie and it!

10:02 a.m. - The Prep, The Punk, & the Scary One vintage
The wine that I (the prep), Vickie (the punk), and Stella (the scary one) made at Classic Winemakers. It's full of mango goodness - we will open our first bottle this summer!

1:53 p.m. - it's almost summer!

2:00 p.m. - Chilling in my favorite slippers

2:45 p.m. - Rosemary bread and fresh cut watermelon

6:44 p.m. - Swiss in the fields

6:59 p.m. - Mom and Dad near the giant cherry blossom tree

7:34 p.m. - The Photo to Rule Them All
Yes, that is my little cousin teaching my mom all about games you play when you turn 21 (which he did last month). And if you think you recognize the "SKI" on the apparatus that my mom is holding - it was proudly pulled from hiding by my husband upon Mom and Ben discussing the topic. Guess it was hidden from the "give away" pile!
Past 12 of 12's
April 2007 • August 2007 • October 2007
Your photos are beautiful! I love the wine. I wish they had something like that here in Australia.
The dew drop image is my favourite - beautiful.
Beautiful photos of your day, my faves are the weathervane and the dew drops.
Wow those are some really nice photos, especially the sunrise. Thanks for sharing.
Great '12! Such beautiful pics! And what kind of fancy pants beer bong is that?!? In my day there was no handle on the funnel or petcock valve! heh heh
A beer bong on Vipers world...i thought the day would never come haha!!! Hope all is well!
That wine sounds yummy and your photos are amazing.
I'm going to try to remember this next month! Beautiful photos!
Your mom looks so funny holding that beer bong!!! I bet she's a partier!
Beautiful photos all around - love the ones outdoors.
gorgeous pics there lady!
Beautiful photos - my favourites are the sunrise and weathervane pair, and the dewdrops one - I'm a sucker for sunsets and sunrises! (and go me, I knew they were contrails!)
(I'm a little late to commenting as I only got back late on the 14th, which is why my 12 of 12 was late too!)
Helen (Dogeared, 12er)
What GREAT pix! I love the sunrise and the windvane. Amazing!
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