
Saturday, February 2, 2008

a quiet saturday morning

i woke up early this morning, realizing it was the first morning since we've been home from the honeymoon that i didn't have to go anywhere early in the day.

the prince has been home sick most of the week - with his fever finally breaking yesterday (i think it had to do with my threat of the doctor for today), and he's finally getting more than a few hours sleep at a time. i am so glad. he's been really miserable, and hasn't even broken into my one-month annniversary present of mario party 8. i've been taking airborne shots, so i hope that i'm able to bypass j's flu.

so with him sleeping soundly, i turned on my current favorite movie, the holiday, started my first batch of italian spaghetti sauce, and made the veggie salad that was my first introduction to vegetables back in 2001 or 2002 (thanks, crystal!).

and the sun all i see is snow falling and the fields covered in white.

i am in heaven.


Nancy E said...

Hope J is feeling better! I tried your Betty Crocker Chili and used NY sirloin - it was fabulous! Thanks for your inspiration in the writing and photo departments! Did you see my posted COH photos?

Anonymous said...

We missed you on Saturday night! Hope you get to have some Mardi Gras fun on Tuesday!

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