for my mom, who is serving on a mission trip in honduras with fr. ed white and peeps from st. charles...for their continued health and strength. if you look closely, she's in the front row, about four people in from the left. (edited to add....more photos here)
for jonathan, who's been nursing a nearly 102° temperature for two days. i'm pretty sure it's the nasty flu bug that's going around. he's like a little heater right now.
Your mom is in my prayers. Also, Brent and I hope that Jonathan gets better. He can't be sick for Saturday's Mardi Gras!
God bless your mom. I am holding her close in my heart.
And I hope Jonathan gets well soon! Sandra's right: He needs to be well for Mardi Gras! Make sure he drinks lots of water and juice and gets plenty of rest. Let me know if you all need anything.
Well you should know by now that you and Jonathan are in my prayers daily, but I will say an extra one for the poor sick hubby and of course I will pray for your wonderful mother!
Love ya! Kat
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