art leonard • pianist and peep in charge
the man behind twelve to three music. music minister of st. vincent de paul's life teen for 10-ish years. incredibly talented and uses his gifts in amazing ways. i met him when i was on the core team at st. vinnie's, just after moving home from college. i had the fabulous privilege of shooting his wedding this summer to his bride, kristina. how cool is it that he wrote the song that she entered the mass to? :)

margaret shelton • harpist
now at the university of puget sound, simply beautiful harpy skills. i met her through fr. raftis and bellarmine, where she reminded me of a younger version of myself. when i first heard her play her harp, my comment was "can i book you for my wedding?" never mind this was a year or so back, long before jonathan was on the scene. :) she is simply that good.

amy gallwas • vocalist with an amazing voice
i met amy through st. andrew's catholic church in sumner, when we were both served on the core team for their life teen program. her talent, though she would downplay it because she is so incredibly humble, is awesome. you'll hear my favorite song that she sings, ave maria, in the mass. an incredible friend, and support to me - even from afar as she's studying at franciscan university in ohio.

jeannie williams • vocalist with a super fabulous voice
i met jeannie through st. andrew's and michael g, when she was a teen in life teen. she is so incredibly gifted for her age. she sang this year at the 2007 relay for life of tacoma, during the luminaria candlelight ceremony. just before she went on (a few hours after jonathan proposed), i told her, "no pressure, but this is your audition for the wedding." heh heh...of course, her voice was simply beautiful. perfect for luminaria, and perfect for the wedding.

michael g • vocalist and master of ceremonies for the reception
a long history with michael, dating back to our time together on core at st. vincent's. over the years, we've served in youth ministry together at st. vincent's, st. charles, st. andrew's, volunteered for 4 relays together, and i now shoot for him through integritas photography. one of the biggest blessings of my life was getting to know his family - most especially, his mom, mama g. so loving that he will be in the wedding.
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