begins today. the word 'novena' comes from the latin word "novenus" meaning "ninth". the actual feast day of the holy family is december 28th - which seriously, brought tears to my eyes when i found out that it was the day before our wedding.
eight days before the feast day begins the novena...which is today, december 20th. the novena ends on the 28th, nine days later.
why the holy family?
it's what jonathan and i strive for as a couple and future family. after all, mary said "yes" to god when she was asked to have a baby as a young woman, ride on the back of a donkey without complaining at nine months of being pregnant, and have a baby in a stable in the cold night. throughout her life, she always responded without complaint, willing to serve, and loved unconditionally. and if you know me, you know that often times i am more (stubborn) like the donkey, than the gracious woman on its back.
for jonathan, the model of joseph as a loving husband and father, even when life was difficult. while he is loving and supportive, there are times that i can make life difficult, and it's especially then that joseph is a good model for jonathan.
our wedding favors have a blessed medal of the holy family, and one of the gifts for the wedding party incorporate the holy family. being able to bring the focus of the wedding back to the significance of the sacrament through this novena (and taking the focus away from the 'prep work' of preparing the event) is exactly what we're hoping for.
there's a cool download of the novena if you'd like to pray it with us...it just takes a few minutes a day. simply click here to download it.
it would mean so much to us. ♥
nine days to go!!
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