
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

caterer: check

enter kelly, the super chef.

she's from gallucci's catering, the now-finalized exclusive caterer of our wedding. :) kelly rocks. she whipped up all of the major dishes for the reception out at mom and dad's house - and did all the dishes. heavenly.

without further adieu...

the salads for the wedding:
  • on the left - a caesar salad with their custom dressing
  • on the right - mixed greens with candied walnuts, gorgonzola, cherry tomatoes and a pear vinaigrette
  • (the adult beverages are not yet determined :) - but used for tasting purposes)

michael, my almost married-for-a-year brother and now groomsman and official almost-brother-in-law of jonathan, highlighting the main courses:
  • chicken marsala in a onion/mushroom glaze
  • rotelli pasta in a red meat sauce with fresh peppers and mushrooms
  • penne pasta in a cream sauce with sundried tomatoes

notice the other things he featured in the photo above? check out his photog skills following... :)

good stuff tonight. thanks to mom and dad for hosting...and to jonathan and mike for putting up with me and my nutty attention to detail...and for being such willing taste testers.

onto the cake! anyone want to join? :)


Anonymous said...

Mmm, cake ... Glad you are having fun with this whole wedding planning process. ; )

Anonymous said...

mmmmm.... cake! :)

p.s. everything looks delish!

Anonymous said...

CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's me, it's me!!!!!! Lindsay

foxmulder said...

Hello? What about the luge??!!!??

shelley said...

well, you don't really taste test an ice sculpture. not even at the reception. but rest assured...there will be a lemon drop slide. i promise.

full of lemony vodka goodness.

and lots of sugar.

but i would be game for taste testing some lemon drop recipes! :)

Anonymous said...

I. Am. So. Hungry. Now.

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