
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

prayers, please

rec'd the following email from lindsay...

would really appreciate it if you would keep her papa and her family in your prayers this week...
My dad is undergoing a major surgery tomorrow morning. On Thursday at 11 am, he will go through a bypass that needs to clear up 12 different areas of his heart... an 8-way bypass. This is a surprise to my whole family and a fairly serious 5 hour operation. He is in very good hands of optimistic surgeons and staff, but we never know God's ultimate plans.

One of the things that my father stands for the most and that I am most thankful for learning from him is the gift of faith. His faith has driven his life and shaped his family and community in ways that now, as an adult, I see as little miracles in their own right. It has always been an inspiration to me and is likely a major force that led to me becoming friends with you.

I ask that, if you have a moment, you take some time out of your day to pray for him and the doctors and nurses that will be working on him. It provides consolation to us here and now, yes, but I truly believe that a hearfelt, unified prayer can be just one more miracle in his journey.

Thank you for being there for me on my journey so far. I will do my best to let people know how everything goes.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying. Dad's got the Knights of Columbus at St. Charles praying. Much love to Lindsay and her fabulous family.

Anonymous said...

Dad's doing ok. He's in the ICU right now after what ended up being a 5-way bypass. His heart is working on it's own and they are supposed to be taking him off the ventilator shortly. I appreciate everyone's support with this! I know he isn't exactly in the clear yet and that the days coming up will be pretty challenging, but know that he is in good hands. My friends are the best- thank you! -Lindsay

shelley said...

the best quote of the afternoon at tacoma general...after 9 hours of long long waiting by the fam...

"yea, he's alright! let's go have a margarita!"

the doc would be so proud. :)

Amy said...

i didn't get the message till now, but know that I am on it and going to say a rosary before bed. He is a great man and has a great daughter too. luv you! g-pity

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