little b...is not so little anymore.
yesterday, we celebrated brandon's first holy communion at st. charles. mike and i are his godparents, and we couldn't help but think how grandma mary was up in heaven, watching over the Mass. [she was probably wagging her finger at dad for pronouncing "sanhedrin" 3 different ways while reading the first reading. :) i'm just glad he didn't break out with "sanhedrinistas"]
pope john paul the great once said,
"dear friends, there is no doubt that an unforgettable meeting with jesus is first holy communion, a day to be remembered as one of life's most beautiful.”and it was. the whole fam loved the sight of him finally heading to the altar for his first eucharist...my most special moment was when i looked over and my dad had tears running down his face...most definitely thinking of grandma and how her heart must be filled with joy at the sight.
brandon has been such a blessing to us...tim and sue, thank you for raising this little boy to be an incredible young man. we are so honored to be part of his life - seeing him grow in his faith, love of christ and others.
it's hard to believe he's just eight years old.
b, we love you.
and beyond the emotional sharing...
since photos were only allowed on the procession in, i'm highlighting some of my favorites from the first communion after-party at tim and sue's. wouldn't you know that every first communion after-party has a plastic fork stabbing here and there?

mom and dad...with brandon's response to dad's choice of words to use instead of "cheese" for the camera.
when isn't using "whiskey" appropriate?!?

the prince's idea...with my uncle's shades and brandon's new suit...
it's mafia b.
i like to think he's representing the trinity here. :)

Those turned out really well. Who took the first one of you, Mike, and Brandon? That is one great picture if I do say so myself.
Yes that is a fabulous picture of them, wonder who the photographer was if Shelley was in the photo? Brandon is very blessed to have such faithful godparents. He loves you two just as much. Tim and I are truly blessed as well. If you get the chance take the time to review Michael and Kristine's blog and spend the time to review the 99 balloon video.
Uncle Tim, Aunt Sue, and Brandon
That is so cute...first communion is so special. I laughed out loud in the library about the sanhedrin reading. I still laugh everytime I think about it! These photos really made my day! :)
luv luv,
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