so many joys today...all to be celebrated on viper's world?
what more can you ask for?!?
- my dell is happy again. and i can create again. i finished the rough draft of the final 2006 relay newsletter, finished uploading some goodies to a big project i've been working on (tba soon), and started scanning pics for the slideshow for the wedding reception. i am so happy to have the dell up and running again!
- the 2006 relay final celebration was tonight...perfect setting at fircrest in the sunshine. team merrill took home our oscars (read: sweet looking glass awards) for top corporate team, top online fundraiser (team) and top online individual (me). good stuff. $700K+ for the event.
- speaking of relay, received the deets for the great west division leadership summit in reno this september...where yours truly gets to impart some relay wisdom as a breakout presenter...whoo hoo!!
- going to a very cool pug group last night (pictage users group) with michael g. i learned a incredible amount of info from the photographers that were there, and loved being able to be a fly on the wall.
- seeing andrea's pages published! so very very cool! and getting to see our circle journal idea come to be...i can't wait!
- the karate kid soundtrack. between 'you're the best around' and 'young hearts', i am reliving the 80s all over again.
- miss jennifer heaps' birthday tonight. see a very cool gift she received above...with her and amy being their goofy selves. i love them.
- speaking of jen, wanted to send her a little viper's world birthday love. she's getting ready to leave me for four years to go to college...and she will be so missed. she is one of those fabulous chicks who stands up for what she believes in, is completely proud of who she is, and puts everyone at ease with her self-confidence and fabulousness.
when she roadtripped with the fam to franciscan university a few weeks back, she and the fam travelled for 8 hours by car. and what you see below is what happens after 8 hours in the car. and i simply love it. this is so so jen, at her finest. :)
(and this is for all the people (especially chris lyons) who always comment on the weird faces i make...it's because i love being around people like this. ♥
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