we've got three big months ahead of us...
it's relay season, kid!
(adapted from the brilliance of vince vaughn in wedding crashers)
rosholm, collins and i spent the friday of signature weekend relaying up at the relay for life of kent. the rain that showered

kent's relay raises $250,000+...the only relay larger in the northwest is ours in tacoma. there was something special about being there, being nearly anonymous at an event, soaking in the relay spirit.
i'm going to submit a few photos to the national american cancer society contest for next year's calendar, so i unleashed the beast of zoomy the zoomlens on the peeps. you'll see a good deal of them shortly on through my eyes...
but for now, here's a few of my faves.
in the opening survivors lap, three cops lead the way, two of them escorting the youngest and oldest cancer survivors. a very sweet tradition.
the second is the rainbow up and over the event...
the final is the three of us with the O.C.Bee (old country buffet)...when he's covered in plastic to protect him from the rain, he kind of looks like he's covered in a...well, nevermind. figure it out yourself. :)

edited to add: a gallery of photos
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