
Sunday, May 14, 2006

just for my mom

because my mommy rocks my socks!
spent a fabulous day out at the house...

sunshine, calm waters, anthony's breakfast tacos, fresh cracked crab, naps in the sunshine with mom, walks on the beach, catching up on the latest mags, breaking in the new hammock, kicking off my summertime tan and the three dogs racing through the grass. doesn't get much better than that.

wait, maybe it does.

harmony with andy, gina, and viper.
a rare sight, indeed.
happy mother's day,
i love you.


foxmulder said...

Gotta love Photoshop, eh?

Anonymous said...

nice selection of images! and the stack of books: so great. I think I have just as many in my current rotation.

Anonymous said...

i miss Gina!!!

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