the first girls weekend adventure of the future sisters...
lots of firsts. first stations of the cross together. first dinner and drinks (sans mike) at the ram. first afternoon tea together. first night up late looking at pics from back in the day. first time she raided the peanut butter in the house. first time she heard me break my lenten promise when we couldn't get the freaking response cards to print correctly. :) first time we took in the sights of tacoma, knowing that soon, this will be her home too!
among the highlights...
- road trip to macy's for wedding registry fun...she let me loose with the scan gun! she picked some beautiful pieces for china and kitchen pieces and i scanned it all...i'm telling you, you just feel powerful with the scan gun. you want to do the charlie's angels pose with it. you want to run through the store scanning things. chocolates. crystal. silver goodies. anything that catches your eye. it is that cool.
links to the registries will be up as soon as they're finalized! - we finished the design of the wedding invites! a little sneaky peek is found over at through my eyes... there's a sweet latin phrase that you'll see popping up all around, but you've got to wait until august 4th to learn what it means. (and all of the guys in the seminary who speak latin are NOT allowed to blow the secret!)
- finished the design of the couples' shower invites to a small, intimate affair (read: there will not be enough parking in gig harbor for all the cars) next month. got them addressed and ready to go, just need to pick up the cover photos!
- afternoon tea while looking through wedding magazines...my favorite quote of the afternoon: "we know that the most important detail of your wedding is the cake." are they freaking kidding? the cake? i can think of a thousand other things...the vows, the wedding Mass, the reception with everyone, the wedding night...but the cake?
effective marketing though, i have thought about those cake people about 50 dozen times since then!
NOW is the time to start doing the sunshine dances, or at least the no-rain dances! :)
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