twenty two degrees this morning. and that is with the sun shining.
the two little pooches know the rules: if they want to play outside, it's coats for them! viper gave bailey her fleece coat (which bailey will be taking home, because god knows that if it fits bailey, it will - never, in a million years - fit viper!) and they played outside in the frosty grass until it was time for breakfast. bailey's mom texted from the sunshine, their cruise ship has docked and they are going through customs.
i can't wait for her and sir timmy of monaco to reach home with the icy chill. we can share the cold love with them and their tans!!
i seriously love three day weekends. and sundays where i don't have anything on the schedule until mass at 5:30 p.m. off to create some digital masterpieces! :)
1 comment:
Dear Auntie Shelley and Viper -
Thank you so much for taking such great care of me while my mean mom was on a mexican cruise and left me behind! I do detest wearing clothes, but since the "rule" was put in place to keep me warm and healthy, I had to comply. Besides, if you threw me out for disobedience, I would have been up a creek with no where else to stay warm in this frigid weather! I apologize deeply for the little transgression with the blinds. It wasn't on purpose...just two little doggies having a good time and causing slight damage as a result. My Mom has scolded me properly upon my arrival home. She even gave me a bath as punishment. Geez....first clothes and then a bath too. Was I that bad?! Oh ya, Mom is making me apologize for the chicken incident too. I don't know what came over me!
Again, thanks so much for letting me crash at your house and on your couch, and on your bed, and pretty much wherever I felt the need for a nap!
Love & Doggie Kisses!
Bailey Babbitt
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