
Monday, January 9, 2006

oh to make me happy

  1. New pajamas. But no, they aren't the ones above, I was just too lazy to snap a shot of my new Christmas threads, but know that they are cute. Really really cute. (this is actually a photo from when I was excited about a different set of pajamas! and yes, i am jumping up and down on the bed in the spare bedroom. i know, i am nerd)
  2. Viper's last day of long hair. She goes to Critter Clippers tomorrow!
  3. A road trip tomorrow to "knives, spoons, and Forks" as Stella calls it. Loaded the changer with CDs and am looking forward to six hours on the road. Anything to make Papa happy. :)
  4. Teaching my first water aerobics class tonight! It was a pretty funny sight, but I survived...and so did the class!
  5. The Girls Retreat coming all the details come together, we all would LOVE your prayers for a successful retreat! And pray for all the gals who are considering signing up, since tomorrow is the first deadline...
  6. Almost finishing my keynote for Saturday! I am so excited to Relay...Canadian style, eh!
  7. For a good rainy-hide-inside chat with Miss Lindsay. Sometimes, that's just what's needed!
  8. And last, but not least, curling up inside with sugar-free hot cocoa, which may or may not contain a little peppermint!

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