today is the 23rd day of rain in a row. we've got ten days to go to beat the current record. so why not drive through the olympic peninsula rain forest?
clearly, my snow dance didn't work to cancel the trip, so i spent six hours on the road. saw the sights of sequim, port angeles, beaver, and forks. spent some quality time with fr. corapi and the luminous mysteries...good stuff. good prep for the girls retreat.
i stopped at the lake crescent lodge for a bit (though it's closed for the winter) and shot some deer...with my digital rebel xt, silly!
also got this shot of the mountains on the peninsula. but i didn't convert it to black and white. it's actually a color photo. weird, huh?
so glad to be home. viper's snug in bed, looking like a little hamster with her haircut, and i'm ready to head to sleep.
i'm teaching a class at PLU tomorrow afternoon, planning on imparting some infinite financial wisdom...lord, have mercy on them. :)
good night!
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