The "Contentment" quote comes from my daily calendar in my office, and it reminded me of just how blessed I am in my life. And yes, those are my little tootsies, on kaanapali beach. A place I always feel content.
And taking in "The Mission" soundtrack, I'm feeling content here too, for just a few more moments before I head to class at 5:30.
And one more joy for today...
Where have I been? How did I miss these openings?!? Panera's in the northwest!
{insert wildly obnoxious happy dance here}
And finally, finished my first month of my "Donna, Every Week, All Year" online scrapbooking class. It was one of my new year focuses, to take time to scrap more, and do a few projects that actually stay in my home instead of leaving as gifts!
So here are three of my submissions, that now hang proudly in the Big Picture Scrapbooking gallery...the first is week four's class, focusing on what makes you feel at home. The next two are from week two's class, scrapping a year in just a layout or two. If you click on them, you can view a larger version.
edited to add...
after posting my layouts in the gallery, i received the most super fabulous e-mail from donna herself, and regarding my week 4 layout, she wrote, "you rock! not only is the photo on your layout amazing, but the layout rocks!! this is so awesome!"
in the world of scrapbooking, she is a big cheese. this made my weekend! :)
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