Oh, this child. He's sweet and sassy and hilarious all rolled up into one bundle called the Wee Ski 1.0. A few recent quotables:
I washed all the sheets in the boys' room after their recent colds and an eventful night in which Thomas should have worn a diaper to bed. Thomas evidently had never seen his bed without sheets. We heard this yelling from his room:
"Guys! COME HERE! Guys! What the heh-ull happened to my bed?"
Clearly, I need to clean up my language when I see a mess in the house. Something about being a bad example...
When he's mad at me:
"MOMMY! Take my carseat out of the car! Grandma's coming to get me and take me away!"
...or today when he was told to get in timeout:
"Peace out, yo!" Then he slammed the bathroom door on his way to his timeout.
After going to Lattin's Cider Mill with Grandma today, as I was tucking him in:
"I had a great day with Grandma, Mommy. Can she have my carseat again?"
After I say a word he's not allowed to say...this usually happens in the car:
"Mommy, you in timeout. No say bad words. Make good de-sid-uns." decisions :)
Every time Jonathan leaves the house:
"Papa! Kiss and hug, please! Did you kiss and hug Mommy? Did you kiss and hug John Paul?"
Whenever we leave the sanctuary or the chapel, as he genuflects:
"Bye bye Jesus!"
And just now when my sucker became his sucker:
"Mommy! I got you a sucker today at the farm with the pigs! You lick it! Let me show you!"
1 comment:
I love the first one. One of my children is at the mimic stage and likes to repeat after me... words like crap....
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