We kicked off the Relay season in Irish style last night at the third annual Blarney Blast. Jonathan even wore the leprechaun ears hat I found for him (thereby retiring his infamous beer hat that I hated so much)! The Blarney Blast is one of our team's major fundraisers for the Relay For Life that began two years ago when Jim was fighting cancer.
This year, we moved the event to the South Sound Manor, added a dessert auction to the silent auction, and a short program at the end. Finian Road designed the invites, tickets, responses cards, and VIP table goodies, and we had a great night seeing our hard work come together in a great celebration.
Auntie Mo came down to stay with the boys so Jonathan and I had a mini-date-night within the Blast (see above). The boys adore Auntie Maureen, so they were totally fine to see us go. :)
The Skis a few sweet donations to the auction -- a shoot with Finian Road, my famous St. Patrick's Day cake truffles, homemade treats for a year (starting with french baguettes w/garlic butter), and a few pairs of preseason tickets for the Seahawks.
It was a great event all around. Early estimates showed we raised more than $13,000. Yea!!
A few of my favorite photos:

At the end, we did a short program about Relay For Life and our team. Many in attendance have never been to an event, so it was our chance to invite them down to celebrate, remember and fight back with us. I showed a great caregiver video from ACS, Jim's son-in-law led the evening toast, and it was a blast! :)
The video we showed:
And the sweet new Relay commercial you may be seeing on television:
After Relaying far and away from home for so many months, it's so good to be Relaying at home again!
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