The blog post title is a tip o' the hat to Stella, who refuses to ever Facebook or blog about anything weather related. It's my own personal joy to do so, since I know it drives her nuts. Here we go...
We have all been under the weather this past week, finally starting to get back on our feet over the weekend. We kept the boys in except for a few brief moments for both of them...and then headed out today into the snow. Jonathan had some work to do at the office, so we packed up the four-wheel-drive sleigh and headed into Olympia. Inspired by Amelia over at Tales of a Mountain Mama, we began with a brief adventure around Capitol Lake. A mini-trip away from home, but not far from help if we needed it. :)
[By the way -- Amelia has a ton of great ideas and goodies over at her blog on how to get your kids into the outdoors. You should check it out!]
It was a good first adventure. The boys were bundled and had snacks and hot cocoa at the ready (thanks, Amelia!). John Paul was amazing and even went to sleep around the lake...Thomas, on the other hand, reminded me that I need to grow in patience. We ended the mission a bit early with a rescue call into Papa, who swooped in with the 4runner sleigh on the other side of the lake after Thomas shut down. And when I say "shut down", I mean "screaming, taking off his clothes in a snowstorm, won't say a word but just wails" kind of shut down. And yes, sweet John Paul slept through all of that.
So we'll need some more layering clothes for Thomas that he can't get off, some hand warmers, and a new plan of attack for our next snowy adventure.
It also made me super grateful for all the places on the farm that we can hike to and still be close to home! :) We'll master this yet!

The boys at the beginning. You could hardly see the Capitol. I'm a little nervous about the March For Life tomorrow and how well the boys will do... :) I may just put John Paul in the single Bob and carry Thomas in the sling! :)
Thanks, Occupy Olympia, for trashing Heritage Park. We're the 99% who like to use it, and it's fenced off until it's decontaminated, cleaned up, and restored because you guys were selfish. Way to practice what you preach.
/off my soapbox.

On the drive, love seeing the baby douglas firs on the farm...the wind is taking down all the snow on the south side of the trees. A nice little Jekyll & Hyde effect.

Home sweet home. We have virtually lived off the wood stove since the chimney was swept last week. A big pot of water steaming off on top of the wood stove, filled with mulling spices from Penzeys. I'm going to finish up a few design projects and head into the kitchen to make some tasty delicious bread, soup, and enjoy having Jonathan home on a rare weekday.

Snow, I love you, even if Stella hates you.
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