This was an awesome sight.
We were busy making dinner. Thomas and I washed the beets, I cut the greens from the beets and sliced the beets. I cut the stems from the greens and gave the stems to Thomas with one request: "Please go feed these to the chickens".
"Yes, Mommy, I help."
He's famous for 'freeing the chickens' a la Free Willy...so I added carabiners onto the eglu run latches. Thankfully, he hasn't figured out how they work yet. So whenever we give treats to the chickens, we always cut the treats up so they'll fit through the holes of the run and we don't need to open the run door.
I gave him a few minutes and then in mamarazzi mode, I grabbed my camera and snuck out into the front yard. He was so focused he didn't even notice me.
"Here, chitchen....Eat the stems....Tasty delicious....Chitchen! Come back! Here you go....Share, chitchen, share! Here's some more....Tasty delicious, chitchen....Good job, chitchen."
I was so proud of how he did all on his own. It was so sweet seeing little Farmer Wee Ski taking care of his animals.
Never mind that he pulled Maggie's tail on the way in as she was drinking her water.

Part of Dr. Furhman's "Eat to Live" is varying your veggies so you have all kinds of various nutrients. This is not easy for me. I like what I like. But I think back to Jonathan's first comment when I tried my first Eat to Live salad, "Shelley, this is the best salad you've ever made." And that had all kinds of things I hadn't tried before (citrus almond dressing, anyone? Tasty delicious!).
When the Wee Skis and I went to the farmers market yesterday, we loaded up on all kinds of cool produce and veggies that we hadn't tried before. Purple and cream peppers. Four different colors of heirloom tomatoes. Golden beets. Swiss chard. Golden raspberries.
And tonight, we tried the beets. I sliced and steamed the beets themselves and sprinkled with a bit of sea salt. They. were. amazing.
Jonathan snagged one off Thomas's plate and heard, "Papa! Mine! NO!"
I sauteed the beet greens with a bit of Penzeys seasoning, and they weren't bad. Texture like wilted spinach. Taste a little sharp, but I can work with it.
I sliced the heirloom tomatoes and added just a touch of sea salt. No other way to eat a fresh heirloom tomato. Just naked with salt. SO SO good.
We split some turkey burgers, sans buns, and Jonathan's response?
"I love beets. What took you so long?"
And finally, I give you my happy-as-a-clam-even-though-he-has-his-first-ear-infection John Paul. Don't you just want to squeeze his wee cheeks?!?

He's feeling much better after his first round of antibiotics and some good rest today.
We are ALL looking forward to a good night's sleep.
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