Brunch this morning, on the deck. After the Second Annual RossSki Family Campout on the farm. This year, we went from 4 adults + 5 kids to 4 adults + 7 kids. And it was awesome.
We hit 5 pm Mass last night at St. C's, with all the kids in tow. They were amazing together. This morning we were so grateful for that decision, after everyone was light on sleep and the kids were powered by pure adrenaline. We sat down to eat just as Mass would have began, and marveled at our brilliance.
The older boys (including Sam, Eddie, Jonathan and Ed) camped out in the lower tree fields of the farm at the campsite. The five littles (including 16 week old John Paul and 6 week old Abigail) stayed up at the house with Crystal and me. It was an adventure putting them to bed last night -- thinking Thomas was a little crazy excited to wake up and find two other kids in his room -- so it's safe to say that at one point last night, there were four kids asleep in bed with Crystal and me. Just grateful Maggie the dog was at the foot of the bed and not in bed with us!
And I love the text I got from Jonathan early this morning. He woke up in the tent and heard rustling outside...peeked out only to find two of our cows grazing in the campfire. And when they heard him, nearly two dozen cows hustled out of the woods and back into the tree fields. You'll notice our zero gravity chairs + campfire right next to the tent!

The three oldest littles woke up bright and early, so I hustled them out so Crystal and Abigail could get more sleep. They decided to go a little Avatar on themselves...check out Angelica's handiwork with the black Mr. Sketch!

Thomas was, as always, in heaven with the Ross kids. We do think he may be growing fonder of Lucy, and may have inherited his dad's penchant for older women.
That's okay. Angelica and John Paul can still connect if John Paul and Abigail don't hit it off! :) We had a tasty spread of baked french toast, chicken sausage & egg bake, fresh fruit, applewood bacon, and juice boxes. So many juice boxes.

Little Eddie was begging to take the John Deere out for a spin. We're glad the keys are somewhere inside. :)

Early this morning, when I was prepping the pork for the crockpot for tasty delicious pulled pork for lunner (Mom, that's lunch/dinner), Lucy took one whiff and said, "Aunt Shelley? That smells like dead body. Is that a dead body?"

We all earned naps today -- Ed and Abigail crashed out together on the deck.

You know what I said about Thomas being in heaven? Still there.

We are so blessed by the Rosses and their friendship. Love this tradition and absolutely love them.
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