...is currently 14 projects in 31 days.
With the awful flu that we had, I'm definitely considering it a success so far! We were mentally and physically shut down for about a week...and even still...
We made huge progress in the kitchen and bathrooms.
I realize one of my challenges in this pursuit is that one project always leads to another...and not necessarily one on the list. I had to keep re-focusing myself to stay the course as much as I could. In the meantime of January, I finished these projects (which I REALLY wish had been on the original list!):
- Cleaned out the drawers in our bedroom and Thomas's room. Jonathan was a big help with this too. My new flip-fold is one of the coolest, nerdiest inventions ever, but it makes folding t-shirts easy as pie. I store it in the laundry basket that finds its way back to the dryer EVERY SINGLE DAY now...because I....
- Set up my daily routines list (with checkboxes, of course) that has really helped me stay on track each day. Though I've loved the FlyLady for years and incorporated much of her direction, I can't believe how much having a simple list into my Control Journal to check off has ensured that little things get done each and every day. I also realized just how much I hate doing laundry. It is the bane of my farmy existence. And it never stops generating. Unless we all choose permanent nudity as an option. (On second thought, that definitely wouldn't work off the farm. Or really, on the farm either.)
- Finished the December Daily album and sent it for print. Cannot wait for it to arrive this Thursday...even though we'll be in the heart of Valentine's Day season!
- Started organizing the new bins that we got for Christmas from my mom -- a combination of Thomas's toys/shoes/boots/cold weather wear. Moved it beneath the taupe walls that DID get painted in the back of the house!
- Cleaned out the spice/flour/cooking cabinets in the kitchen. Changed out the bins for the flour/sugar/cake flour/self-rising flour/bread flour as well. Inspired by an incredibly fun trip to my favorite organizing store. One of my favorite-ever compliments came after this from Heidi, "Wow, you have a really grab-able kitchen! You can just grab whatever you need!" I was on cloud 9 after that. :)
- We've almost entirely moved our meals back home. Jonathan's got a great packed lunch (yes, with one of these notes every day) and we've had nearly all of our dinners at home. We figure we've saved about $250 this month between the Keurig + packed goodies + planning ahead for all of our dinners so even if I'm out of energy by the end of the day, there's still dinner ready to go. :)
Fun pictures to come after the adjusted end of the quest! :)
Rule #1. Always add things to your to-do list that you have already done. Hey, if it's a project and you did it, it doesn't matter that it wasn't on the original list. Put it on, check it off.
I love that. And I'm totally going to do that!! :)
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