- How Far Along: 23.5 weeks
- Size of baby: 11 inches long, about the size of a large mango. Just over a pound.
- What the Wee Ski 2.0 has right now: Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that the Wee Ski 2.0's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing him for entry into the outside world. (thanks, Babycenter, for the deets!)
- Total Weight Gain/Loss: lost 2 pounds
- Maternity Clothes: Some awesome comfy maternity t-shirts from Old Navy. Lots of vests (see above), and most of my Lucy pants fit well since they are stretchy.
- Gender: He's a boy! My first reaction? "He can wear Thomas's hand-me-downs!" Jonathan's first reaction? "Bunkbeds!" And before you ask...no name yet. That's totally in Jonathan's hands, and he hasn't decided.
- Movement: For a month or so now.
- Sleep: I am still pretty exhausted. Usually in bed by 8 pm at the latest, and half the week I'm up at 5:30 to work before Thomas gets up, the other half I sleep in until 7:30 am.
- What I miss: Nothing. I still can't believe that we are actually pregnant after a year. I am grateful every. single. day.
- Cravings: What's weird is that my sugar cravings have nearly gone away. Which is surprising, if you've spent any time around me. I love me some sugar! Being vigilant about my blood sugar levels has taken away some of the allure of sugary treats...though I will confess to a really tasty blizzard yesterday. YUM. And my addiction to Diet Pepsis has waned, which has me tear up a bit since I don't drink coffee or any other caffeine.
- Symptoms: My tummy has been much more sore lately -- I think it's a combo of not sleeping as well with the snoogle (I'm planning to upgrade it in the next few days) and Thomas always wanting to climb on my belly.
- Best moment this week: When we were watching the Seahawks game from home, cozy on the sofa, having sold our tickets for more than double face value, and they won their last regular season game. Realizing that we would get to spend Thomas's birthday at the first round of the playoffs as a threesome (since he still gets in free to the games) and it will be an awesome outing for the Skis to celebrate his turning two. Looking ahead to the fall and planning an awesome midwest road trip that has to do with football as well. YEA!
The pic above? From New Year's Eve at Mom and Dad's, just before we headed to an incredibly tasty dinner at Brix 25° in Gig Harbor. Thomas was way less interested in getting a four generation photo as he was making raspberry faces for everyone. That's the closest to a 'belly shot' that I've got right now!
Happy 2nd birthday tomorrow THOMAS. You will be the Seahawks good luck charm. Have a great time at the game and know that all those people are REALLY there to help celebrate two amazing years of the Wee Ski.
We will watch for you on the tv!
Hugs and Relay luv...Charlotte, Kathy & Victor!
YAY for two boys!!!!!! I am so happy for you my friend and so glad to hear that you and 2.0 and the whole family are doing well. I miss you a ton. And I want to catch up next week. Maybe Thursday??? Have a great weekend Shelley!
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