Our last few days, by the numbers. Because I'm a nerd like that.
- How many days I've been sick: 6
- How many days I've been on the mend: 2
- Jonathan's temperature late last night: 102°
- Jonathan's temperature this morning: 99.2°
- The number of baby wipes we've gone through in 5 days: 110+
- The number of diapers: 50
- Loads of wash simply from being sick: 10+
- The number of times Thomas and I have left the house since Tuesday night: 3
- Times we left for Mass + Safeway: 3
- Times we left for anything else: 0
- Maximum time Thomas can be away from home right now: about 90 minutes
- The number of full meals I've made in the last 6 days: 2
- The number of pedialytes Thomas has had: 9
- The number of gatorades Jonathan and I have had: 16+
- The combined Ski weight loss over the past week: 18 pounds (NOT RECOMMENDED)
Thomas and I are feeling much better, though I'll be glad when his diaper usage returns to normal. Jonathan is on the mend, though it could be awhile before he is back to normal. Looking forward to being out of the house for a few hours tomorrow for the Mass for Life at St. Michael's and the March for Life at the Capitol. How can it be mid-January already?!?
1 comment:
Oh Shelley--Hang in there! Seems EVERYBODY has gotten some version of this nasty bug! :(
Sending you guys lots of healthy/happy thoughts!
~ Kathy, Victor & Charlotte!
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