When I ask Thomas to get Maggie a bone, this is what happens.
- Thomas walks to the pantry and pulls out the jar of bones.
- He takes off the top and pulls out a bone.
- If he's really excited, he just runs to Maggie with the bone. Usually, he puts the top back on and then goes to find her.
- He reaches out and hands her the bone.
- She takes it super delicately (one of my favorite traits about her).
- If she breaks it while eating, he picks up the broken part and hands it to her.
- And then he claps for himself. Is this my kid or what?!?

Oh I just want to squeeze those cute little cheeks of his! I love that he claps with jazz hands! :-D
He is so adorable!! I love how gentle maggie is, too.
What lens did you use?
Maggie looks like a teddy bear :). SO sweet.
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