It was only fitting that the Wee Ski celebrate this in style, as he wasn't around for the first go-around. We were joined by Kate and Audrey. Headed out early this morning to Astoria, Oregon for the 5k Truffle Shuffle down Astoria's riverwalk. The Shuffle ended with a view of the Goonies house, which of course, we had to visit. :)
On the mini hike up to the house...

The Goonies house, which if you remember the movie, the Walshes were in danger of losing.

At the start of the Shuffle. There were some pretty awesome costumes mixed in with the black tees...

Thomas's number. I was 207.

Kate and I, pre-Shuffle, post-Shelley-getting-pooped-on-by-a-bird. Nice.

One of our fave costumes -- a Fratelli brother.

Our favorite costume: Baby Ruth on the right.
The costume we couldn't quite tell if it was intended to be a costume or not: on the left.

Clearly we were terribly competitive on this Shuffle, stopping for photos somewhere between 3K and 4K.

Kate and Audrey before heading up to the house

And the mandatory stop to check out the sea lions for the east coast transplants... :)

Most of the shops and restaurants had sweet little Goonies deals going -- lots of Baby Ruth desserts and cool memorabilia.
Awesome Goonies quotes for you...
Data: Pinchers of Peril... saved by my Pinchers of Peril!
Chunk: Do you think your Mom is going to notice? Notice that the statue's penis is missing.
Mikey: Well, of course she'll notice. She notices everything. Oh, you idiot! You glued it on upside down!
Brandon: If God made it that way, you'd all be pissing in your faces!
Data: Hey you guys I've got a great idea. Slick shoes.
Stef: Data where are you going?
Data: I'm setting booty traps.
Stef: You mean booby traps?
And five things you didn't know about The Goonies, courtesy of People Mag! :)
You really should celebrate the 25th anniversary. Rent it off Netflix and curl up with a Baby Ruth, just for Sloth. :)
so awesome! my aunt and uncle live in Astoria!
I'm soooo sad I missed this! I was only a half-hour away and didn't make it down. For it being my fav. movie, you would think I would be more on top of things like this!
Goonies is Mark's number 1 all time favorite movie. He wears his Goonies Never Say Die shirt all the time! We have visitied the Goonies house before, but had no idea about the celebration. We will have to catch the Truffle Shuffle next time!
Very cute! AND congrats on the 5K --- Great work my friend. Love the photos and the scenery. Miss you tons.... Did I tell you we are going to be in Mt Hood this summer (JULY 11 - 16) Can you come "visit?" Just a thought..... miss you!
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