
Friday, April 16, 2010

Your prayers, please

"An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
And whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth."

A family, very close to our heart, learned yesterday that they had lost their child in the womb.  They were nearing the end of the first trimester with their lil' sprout. 

If you would, please take a moment to offer a prayer for them.  For peace, for healing, for comfort, for strength.  Please keep them in your prayers over the upcoming weeks and months. 

And take a moment to hug the ones you love. 

Wishing that we didn't have these reminders of how precious and fleeting our life in this world is. 


Anonymous said...

You -- and your friends -- have our prayers.


Unknown said...

we will pray, too. and that beautiful quote brought tears to my eyes...

Anonymous said...

we will be praying for them. ♥

Jenn & Noah said...

ugh... can't imagine. definitely saying a few prayers for everyone. =(

Anonymous said...

Been praying. How is the family doing?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quote. Having experienced this myself, I pray for anyone who has to go through this type of loss. My prayers are with you and your friends.

Unknown said...

I know all too well the pain of losing a child so early. I will certainly pray for their peace and renewed hope in the midst of the ashes.

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