Seven snippets of life right now: too short for a blog post, too long for Facebook. In no particular order...
- Check out the Wee Ski!
He's been walking all over. So proud of himself, but always with his arms up in the air. - Jonathan invented a holiday.
To celebrate our birthdays together -- his is on April 1, mine on June 1. It's now called Uno de Mayo. - Loving Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.
Especially growing up in a home where vegetables came in the form of corn on the cob and french fries -- I love seeing what he is doing in schools. It's fascinating: from the attitudes of those around him to the positive change he is effecting. You can watch the first two episodes online so you can get caught up! I want Thomas to grow up in a family where all foods are embraced -- where you can have anything, just not everything. And to be able to appreciate vegetables before he graduates from college. :) - Had an awesome picnic lunch on Thursday with one of my favorite people, Pat Flynn. It had been so long since we'd spent time together -- shared fantabulously amazing soup from Infinite Soups down at the waterfront with the Wee Ski. So grateful for a chance to catch up and have some good friend-to-friend time. ♥
- Looking forward to Easter cookie decorating with the Skis on Tuesday.
Auntie Sandi is whipping up the cookies tomorrow, and the girls are decorating Tuesday night - no kids, no husbands...just good girl time. - Whoever invented Pill Pockets is the smartest person alive.
Maggie's skin started flaring up from her autoimmune disease last week. I actually started crying when I thought of giving her pills again. She hates them: so I had to make little sandwiches of peanut butter or cream cheese or whatever she couldn't pull the pill out of. 7 little sandwiches a day, since her treatment consisted of both steroids + antibiotics. It was exhausting, especially if you've never tried to force pill-feed a 100 pound dog. When I took her in last week, the student doc recommended these Pill Pockets, and she's taken all her medication like a champ. Seriously, I cannot begin to describe how much easier the process is. And her skin is healing rapidly. Swoon. - Making plans to go back to Iowa in a few months.
I cannot believe that Thomas will be almost a year and a half when we go! Yea! Soaking up the fly-free under 2 for as long as we can!
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