And we all got a chance to meet the Photobooth, courtesy of St. Martin's University.
Thomas? Not a fan. Not yet, anyway.
Sandra, Kate and I slid Thomas and Daniel in together. It was awesome. For us, anyway.

And lest I forget the hour-long drive north yesterday afternoon, in the crazy pouring rain that wouldn't stop...
I give you "A Moment in Time With The Skis".
First of all, if you are not familiar with the Ole Ole Ole soccer chant, let me bring you up to speed.
It gets into your head and will. not. leave. Ever.
And Jonathan kept singing it over and over and over from the backseat of the car.
I was trying to block him out, turning up my own music in front, and Thomas was loving the dueling tunes.
Somewhere in all of it, I bet him that he couldn't sing the song over and over and over until we got to Tacoma. I AM DUMB.
And then I heard it. His snicker. At the same time as he was singing. Looking in the rear view mirror, I saw that he was holding up his BlackBerry. He had taped himself singing, and set the song to loop.
He was ready to sing it all the way to Tacoma.
And I conceded to his win of the bet five miles later just so it would stop.
Until I started humming it.
Ole, ole, ole, ole......ole. Ole, ole, ole, ole......ole.
Hope it doesn't get stuck in your head!!
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