...no, no actual babies will be given away today.
But there is BABY GOODNESS to be given away!
These are two of my favorite basic baby supplies...I learned about Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Stain Remover from Kate, and have been in love ever since. I keep a bottle near the laundry area, but also keep a bottle in the diaper changing tote in the bathroom, just in case. Sweet smelling and fabulously stain removing.
The second is a replica of Thomas's bib that he's worn since his first week of solids. I learned quickly (though perhaps not as quickly as everyone else) that teething bibs and eating bibs ARE NOT THE SAME. This JJ Cole bib is fantastic - we've used it 3+ times a day ever since then, and it's going strong. Wiped down 3x a day, washed in the sink at the end of every day. Hang it up to dry on the back of his high chair, and we're good to go in the morning!
You can win one of these by leaving a comment below...great for your own child, or to giveaway to a mom! :)
Just enable me a bit -- let me know what YOUR favorite baby product is. And if you don't have one...no worries! :) Leaving a comment will get you entered.
Contest closes at 9 pm Pacific, so enter now! :)
Good luck!
Ohhh I am the first one! :) My favorite baby item is our Chariot (stroller/bike trailer/ski trailer! It gets us out with the baby daily!
My favorite "baby" item is Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes...we still have them in the house, even though we are diaper free... ~ Kathy
Burt's Bees diaper cream. That's the only thing that works for us and it smells yummy. Plus no icky stuff in it so happy butts all around! Theo knows the routine and when I grab a diaper he goes "Butt cream?" That's my boy!
Since I don't have a kiddo, I don't have anything favorite yet!!
But I do have a newborn nephew and toddler niece and they are pretty great!
I don't have a kiddo yet, but was really hoping you were giving an actual baby away...would speed up the adoption process for us! :) I am beginning to think that everyone's fave gift to give is blankets though. We have more then we will ever be able to use and have not had the shower yet.
Is it awful that I've nannied for 3 years and don't know my favorite baby product? I just asked Eleanor (4) and Georgia (2 1/2) what they thought my favorite baby product was and Eleanor said, "I know! Hugging!" Sounds good to me. Hugging is my favorite baby "product." :)
I hope this time next year I will have some input. I have to admit, I am surprised that no one has said a binkie, yet! :)Marie
would love this for my nephew who will be coming along soon!
So many things were life-savers (including the stain remover!). One thing I will always give new parents are footed sleepers that zip instead of button/snap. The zipper made middle-of-the-night changings a little less challenging and saved time when trying to wrangle a squirmy baby on the changing table. Big cheers for zippered sleepers!
I've got 2.
Butt Paste...that stuff is great for diaper rashes.
And I don't have a brand or anything, but I was given a blanket that had velcro to make swaddling a breeze. It was so nice.
I love our "Snug-n-tug" swaddling blanket (a must-have!) and our cloth diapers/wipes (money saver!!).
I have lots of go-to items, but I tend to like things that make it easy to be on the go. I love my Hooter Hider for nursing while out and about. I don't know what I would do without my Skip Hop diaper bag thanks to the stroller straps. And, I LOVED our inflatable rubber duck bathtub so we could take a bath in a familiar place, no matter where we were. Soon as our Thomas can sit up better, rubber ducky bathtub it is!
Toooooo many to list!
But here are a few:
Ergo Baby - baby carrier
Mammas Milk - baby sling
Triple Paste - Diaper Cream
Swaddle Me - swaddle velcro thingy ;)
I love the Boppy Cradle in Comfort Baby Bouncer. We can pop John Michael in it when he's fussy and it calms him down instantly. He loves the soothing vibration and the soft music that can be played in tandem if wanted. He loves to look at himself in the mirror hanging from the multi-position canopy and bop the accompaning zebra toy hanging.
I also love Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion by Burt's Beeswax. John Michael suffers from sensitive skin (like his Papa) and this is GREAT when his face needs a little extra moisture in the mornings after he wakes up.
I am an "old" mom but my favs are time tested. The #1 favorite baby item is a pacifier, which my family calls a "tucky". Second is a receiving blanket, I love the fabric, the patterns, the way you can swaddle baby into a little pea pod.
Not a mama, but grew up surrounded by babies... I feel like I can have sort of an opinion on this... I know that my mom used the baby food grinder every night with the babies and that way they just ate what we ate. Less cooking for her. I also learned that spaghetti noodles coming through that grinder looked like brains- at least, what I thought brains would look like. As a babysitter, I can say that I love the invention of Go-gurt. Perhaps not the most nutritious way to go, but it is easy and my niece loves it!
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