First weekend of November is always the Youth Convention for the Archdiocese of Seattle...I so miss my youth ministry days when we'd bring up a crazy group of a few dozen high school students from St. Charles or St. Andrew's...and live it up with the teens for the weekend.
First few images are from 4 years ago -- in 2005. Dan, the youth minister from St. Andrew's, sketched the awesome drawing below that was on our sweatshirts from St. Andrew's.
Serving in youth ministry was one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done. There is nothing like seeing the eyes of youth come alive as they realize how rich and deep their faith can be. I feel so blessed as to be able to have served for so many years.
And it was serving in youth ministry that led me to Relay... :)

I heart Jen Heaps.

And a few from 2004...these kids are all in college (or out of college now!)...I feel old.

Amy G, Vickie, Mike and me...

How can five years have gone by this quickly?!?
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